Democratic State Treasurers


Twenty-four of the 50 State Treasurer roles in the United States are held either by elected Democrats or by people appointed by elected Democrats. 

There are 14 elected Democratic State Treasures.  Twelve are elected by popular vote, and two (Maryland and Maine) are elected by their State Legislatures. In addition, New York has elected a Democrat as State Comptroller and he fulfills the traditional duties of a State Treasurer. 

There are also four nonpartisan State Treasurers who were appointed by Democratic Governors.  The District of Columbia's CFO who fulfills the traditional duties of a State Treasurer was also appointed by a Democratic Mayor.

Elected Democratic State Treasurers

California - Fiona Ma

(Director of DTA)

Colorado - David Young

Connecticut - Erick Russell

Delaware - Colleen Davis

(Director of DTA)

Illinois - Michael Frerichs

(Vice Chair of DTA)

Massachusetts - Deb Goldberg

(Chair of DTA)

Maryland - Dereck Davis

Maine - Joseph Perry

New Mexico - Laura Montoya

Nevada - Zach Conine

Oregon - Elizabeth Steiner

Rhode Isalnd - James Diossa

Vermont - Mike Pieciak

Washington - Mike Pellicciotti

Nonpartisan Treasurers Appointed by Democratic Governors

District of Columbia - Carmen Pigler

Hawaii - Luis Salaveria

Michigan - Rachael Eubanks

Minnesota - Erin Campbell

New Jersey - Liz Muoio